weenie dog

The life and times as seen through the eyes of my "Weenie Dog" Heidi!

Friday, May 05, 2006


I'm a really southern weenie dog. My mommy makes turnip greens and cornbread. It is very, very good. She pours some of the juice (pot "likker") over crumbled cornbread and I would kill anyone that tries to take it away from me.
It tastes so good that I'll even eat the dog food she cleverly hides underneath it.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger HARDWAX said...

Truly made me hungry reading your little narrative here. I envy you, little southern weenie dog!

At 10:03 PM, Blogger babbles said...

Way before I was born, my mommy had a rottenweiller named Shiner Bock. She is always throwing it up to me how sweet and gentle he was. When my parents split, my mommy couldn't have a dog and then she thought she would get something little that she could handle, like me. Now she says be careful what you wish for.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Lainey said...

Hey babbles, Elvis here.

I am a real chow hound, but my mommy won't let me have anything but chicken, cheese and vegetables.

I want some ice cream and cookies!

At 3:50 PM, Blogger babbles said...

Yeah, I want everything my mommy eats, but mostly chocolate. I know when she eats it, she can't fool me. She claims it would kill me, but I think she is just selfish.
Guess what I chased today.



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