weenie dog

The life and times as seen through the eyes of my "Weenie Dog" Heidi!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Heidi's new toy

Heidi got a new toy today. It is a really big and flat plush dog-like creature. I am hoping she will use it to fall asleep on. So far that hasn't happened. She has attacked it and shaken it several times, but hasn't moved it very far. It is at least 3 times bigger than she is.
She was very upset earlier in the evening because it was thundering and raining. It has rained so little since she became aware, that she is still not used to it.
The 22nd of this month, she will be 1 year old. I hope when she reaches that milestone, she will be able to take over and do her own blogging.
Right now, she is suspiciously close to the telephone cord. I may go off-line at any moment.
Besides that, I talked for hours to my oldet grandson tonight, on the phone. She is just like a child when I get on the phone or computer either one. That is big time meddling and misbehaving time. My grandson worked at a veterinary clinic when he was in high school and he said he would have advised against me getting one of these little dogs. He is not a fan of Heidi. Heidi could care less.


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