Doxie V Rottie
Both are black and tan.
One has a tail, the other doesn't.
One is a male and the other female.
One was born in 1996, the other in 2004.
These are the two dogs who have been in my life in the last several years.
My husband brought the rott, Shiner Bock to me in the late winter of 1997. I believe he was about 3 months old at the time. My first sight of him was my husband getting him out of the car as he hurled all over the driveway. He got very carsick and always hated having to get in a vehicle. Shiner Bock and I were alone most of the time as my husband was living and working in the city and I had already moved to our new home in the country. When he wanted to go to bed, he would get miffed at me beause I continued to stay up. He would march back into the living room, sigh and act put out that I wasn't in bed yet. It was just like having my husband home.
I put his bed next to mine and he was very good about getting in it and staying there all night. He seldom barked. What a mellow dog he was. We were at least his third owners. My daughter-in-law bought him from a young man who had to move and couldn't take him with him. He was pretty much house trained when I got him. My son named him and then they decided they couldn't keep him and my husband bought him and brought him to me for company.
Heidi, on the other hand, wanted to crawl out of bed and cried all night at first. I bought a heavy duty laundry basket to keep her in and she crawled right out of it. When she got a little older, I would turn the basket upside down over her when I needed to contain her for short periods. It was a funny sight seeing that basket move across the floor. Eventually she could move it up to something that would tip it a bit and she could turn it over. So the next thing I had to do, in self defense, was buy a crate.
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